
Pet food to be given out to St. Bernard Parish residents suffering from Gulf oil spill...how dare you BP?

Last week I was in the Gulf of Mexico region, where the way of life of the Gulf fisherfolks is being threatened with a mighty oily BP club.  The shrimp were great, the humidity was high, and the oil induced tension was as thick as the skull of a BP executive.  However, there is no excuse for this headline..."

Pet food to be given out to St. Bernard Parish residents suffering from Gulf oil spill

  (http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/06/pet_food_to_be_given_out_to_st.html)", how dare you BP?  Or, really, the newspaper should've rethought the title at least, don't you think?


  1. I agree.. and shame on BP. They are really letting us down!

  2. my expectations were never really very high, but I hadn't expected to learn how incompetent they are...thanks for commenting
